I've been looking around for a few weeks now at different blogs within the gold making community, specificity at what can be stockpiled and what is going to sell during the Cataclysm expansion. There seems to be a large amount of information going around about this, but what about the few days leading up to the expansion and those final few hours before it goes live.
Most of the people I've spoken to about the launch seem to have opted for the digital pre-sale(myself included.) I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more people hanging around the major cities and at the edge of the new zones this time counting down the minutes until their experience bars reappear and they can once again head off into the unknown; instead of hanging around outside game stores and shouting “For the Horde!” And this to me screams opportunity!
I examined the items I have stocked over the past few weeks getting ready for this myself. Besides the obvious food and flasks, I also stocked about 100 x Swiftness Potions. My reasoning behind this is pretty simple and comes from the experience of playing a character that doesn't have any built in speed boost ability. I recall a lot of occasions while levelling in in Northrend of Hunters, Paladins, Druids and Rogues that JUST beat me to that quest mob I needed. This in turn left me me standing around waiting for re-spawns...it's annoying...VERY annoying. With hindsight I would have taken some of these potions with me and more to the point I would have paid for them.
So for those few hours before the expansion kicks in, I'm going make myself a cheeky little chat macro to advertise these potions for about 10g each and at the same time make sure (if possible) I'm the only person selling them on the Auction House.
It takes 1 x Briarthorn & 1 x Swiftthistle to make the potion and there is usually a very limited supply of these herbs on my realms AH selling for around 2g each, so a healthy profit margin too (if you can get them.) Combine buying those out and some casual farming with a Paladin that has Herbalism has netted me in the region of 300 of these potions to try and sell off. If I don't sell all of them they will still sell easily over the course of the expansion for around 5-6g due to their value to raiders and Pvp'rs.
This sounds like a potentially unique idea. If you're going to be advertising it with a macro, and can get your hands on the crafters - might I suggest adding mithril spurs into the mix? Won't work for 70-85 levellers, but you might hit some interested worgen/goblins.
The Mithril Spur idea is great, could be a one to try out on the Gnomes when The Shattering goes live.
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