Monday, November 29, 2010

Vanilla Materials Flooding the Auction Houses!

So we are all probably aware of the auction house dumping that's going on at the moment, it's currently flooded from level 80 players doing all the low level quests and all the alts taking gathering professions to aid levelling. I've read a lot of posts recently on forums and comments on blogs about vanilla materials being a lot cheaper in Cataclysm, this maybe the case, and I suspect they will be cheaper. However, they won't be as cheap as they are now.

These alts won't be below level 60 for very long and all the level 80 mains will have completed these quests soon; probably before Cataclysm goes live on the 7th. I'm going to take advantage of this. The demand for all of these materials will be the same as they were in Wrath of the Lich King, I don't see that changing much.

An example would be Mageweave Cloth, until recently, stacks of Mageweave were selling for around 15 to 20 gold on this realm, at the moment stacks are sitting at 7-8 gold and over the weekend they were as low as 2-4 gold per stack. I've invested close to 12000 gold this past week in goods for Cataclysm alone.

A lot of players, once hitting 85 won't want to keep both of their gathering skills, dropping one or even both professions for the extra benefits the crafting professions give, selling these materials back to players could yield some tidy profits. I'm planning on the same thing for my Gnome Priest, dropping herbalism for Engineering, I also plan on using this alt for guild alt runs so Mining will have to go at some point as well. There may be risks attached but I'm confident I'm going to pull in good profits over the course of Cataclysm.

Doing something similar yourself? Feel free to leave a comment below.


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